Is Literacy a Multi-dimensional Concept? Some Empirical Evidence
21 Pages Posted: 9 Jan 2021
Date Written: October 30, 2020
Literacy is a multi-dimensional concept. In this chapter, seven potential dimensions of literacy are considered: (1) Mathematical literacy, (2) Foreign language literacy, (3) Digital literacy, (4) Financial literacy, (5) Political literacy, (6) Environmental literacy, and (7) Health literacy. Data from the Glasgow-based Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD) project included information that allows for the operationalization of these dimensions. Multiple-regression analysis is used to explore the correlates of these dimensions of literacy. One key finding is that there are gender differences in all the dimensions of literacy. There are large advantages in favour of males with respect to political, digital, financial, and environmental literacy, health and mathematical literacy. The only advantage in the favour of females is foreign language literacy.
Keywords: Human Literacy; Mathematical Literacy, Foreign Language Literacy, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Political Literacy, Environmental Literacy, Health Literacy.
JEL Classification: G53, I22, O33, Z13
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