Unemployment Fluctuations and Currency Returns in the United Kingdom: Evidence from Over One and a Half Century of Data

22 Pages Posted: 28 Jan 2021

See all articles by Deven Bathia

Deven Bathia

Queen Mary University of London

Riza Demirer

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - Department of Economics & Finance; Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Rangan Gupta

University of Pretoria - Department of Economics

Kevin Kotze

University of Cape Town (UCT), Faculty of Commerce, Graduate School of Business, Students

Date Written: September 2, 2020


This paper provides a long-term perspective to the causal linkages between currency dynamics and macroeconomic conditions by utilising a long span data set for the United Kingdom that extends back to 1856 and a time-varying causality testing methodology that accounts for the nonlinearity and structural breaks. Using unemployment fluctuations as a proxy for macroeconomic conditions and wavelet decompositions to obtain the fundamental factor that drives excess returns for the British pound, time varying causality tests based on alternative model specifications yield significant evidence of causal linkages and information spillovers across the labour and currency markets over the majority of the sample. Causal effects seem to strengthen during the Great Depression and later following the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, highlighting the role of economic crises in the predictive linkages between the two markets. While the predictive role of currency market dynamics over unemployment fluctuations reflects the effect of exchange rate volatility on corporate investment decisions, which in turn, drives subsequent labour market dynamics (eg Belke & Gros (2001); Belke & Kaas (2004); Feldman (2011); among others), we argue that causality in the direction of exchange rates from unemployment possibly reflects the signals regarding monetary policy actions, which in turn, spills over to financial markets. Overall, the findings indicate significant information spillovers across the labour and currency markets in both directions with significant policy making implications.

Keywords: Time-varying Granger Causality, GARCH, DCC-MGARCH, Unemployment, Exchange rates

JEL Classification: C10

Suggested Citation

Bathia, Deven and Demirer, Riza and Gupta, Rangan and Kotze, Kevin, Unemployment Fluctuations and Currency Returns in the United Kingdom: Evidence from Over One and a Half Century of Data (September 2, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3744539 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3744539

Deven Bathia

Queen Mary University of London ( email )

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Riza Demirer (Contact Author)

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - Department of Economics & Finance ( email )

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HOME PAGE: http://erf.org.eg/affiliates/riza-demirer-3/

Rangan Gupta

University of Pretoria - Department of Economics ( email )

South Africa

Kevin Kotze

University of Cape Town (UCT), Faculty of Commerce, Graduate School of Business, Students ( email )

Cape Town, Western Cape
South Africa

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