Collective Labor Relations and Juridification: A Marriage Proposal
Bondy, Assaf and Preminger, Jonathan, Collective labor relations and juridification: A marriage proposal (January 24, 2021). Economic and Industrial Democracy, available at The final publication is available at:
39 Pages Posted: 22 Mar 2021 Last revised: 23 Mar 2021
Date Written: January 24, 2021
Contributing to debates over relations between the collective and juridified regulation of labor, this article analyzes a rich case study in the Israeli construction sector to claim that juridification can spur unions and employers’ associations to initiate strategic and inclusive change. By subsuming processes of juridification into traditional IR frameworks and embracing its logic and practices, the corporatist social partners broaden the relevance of collective labor relations to workers otherwise excluded from direct union representation. In this way, while not increasing union density or improving wages, these ‘traditional’ IR actors reassert their monopolistic control over worker and employer representation, as well as over the sectoral labor market.
Keywords: collective labor relations, employment rights, juridification, new IR actors, social partnership
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