A Brief Survey on AI Based Face Mask Detection System for Public Places
Irish Interdisciplinary Journal of Science & Research (IIJSR) 2021
10 Pages Posted: 29 Mar 2021
Date Written: March 28, 2021
The corona virus which can be also called as SARS COVID-19 is spreading over the world among the peoples and led to cause a global pandemic. The spreading of the virus forced the government to pressure their peoples to follow strict lockdown, this might cause many problems to every single person in the society. The strict rules from WHO (World Health Organization) tells that the only solution for this spread of virus is wearing a face mask. Thus, to help the government and the public this proposing model ensures that every single person wears a face mask in public places. Few models work depending on the artificial intelligence, deep learning and machine learning. The model uses the Keras, Tensor-flow and OpenCV methods for execution. This device is developed with two datasets which are namely with and without facemask. The system is included with a Raspberry- PI camera which captures the live streaming video and coverts them into images, which can be used as the inputs and process the data. The system is developed with a toll-way gate which allows only if the person crossing it has a face mask worn on his/her face or it does not allow the person in. It is developed along with an alarm system which beeps with a red light if the person is not wearing a face mask or it glows with a green light. This model ensures to make the environment and the people to be safe.
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