Effect of Working Productivity of Millennial Generations on Startup Companies
Posted: 23 Apr 2021
Date Written: April 14, 2021
This study describes the effect of millennial generation work productivity on startup companies. The development of information technology has influenced many other aspects, such as the emergence of startup companies in Indonesia. However, many startup companies face difficulties in strengthening their business. It happens because the employees are millennial. According to the IDN Research Institute (2019) in Esthi, R. B., & Ekhsan, M. (2020), they have not been able to work optimally. For this reason, it is necessary to identify what factors can overcome this problem so that the work results of employees at startup companies can make an optimal contribution to the company. The results of research on millennial generation employees at Sorabel have high work productivity, one of which is because they are assisted by the media or the Sorabel site which simplifies the work process, maximizes time and good output and of course this helps the achievement of company goals.
Keywords: Work Productivity, Millennial, StartUp
JEL Classification: 2021
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