Strategic Leaks in First-Price Auctions and Tacit Collusion: The Case of Spying and Counter-Spying

16 Pages Posted: 23 Apr 2021

See all articles by Cuihong Fan

Cuihong Fan

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Byoung Jun

Korea University

Elmar G. Wolfstetter

Humboldt University of Berlin - Faculty of Economics; Korea University - College of Economics and Commerce; CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute)

Date Written: 2021


We analyze strategic leaks due to spying out a rival’s bid in a first-price auction. Such leaks induce sequential bidding, complicated by the fact that the spy may be a counterspy who serves the interests of the spied at bidder and reports strategically distorted information. This ambiguity about the type of spy gives rise to a non-standard signaling problem where both sender and receiver of messages have private information and the sender has a chance to make an unobserved move. Whereas spying without counterspy exclusively benefits the spying bidder, the potential presence of a counterspy yields a collusive outcome, even if the likelihood that the spy is a counterspy is arbitrarily small. That collusive impact shows up in all equilibria and is strongest in the unique pooling equilibrium which is also the payoff dominant equilibrium.

JEL Classification: L120, L130, L410, D430, D440, D820

Suggested Citation

Fan, Cuihong and Jun, Byoung and Wolfstetter, Elmar G., Strategic Leaks in First-Price Auctions and Tacit Collusion: The Case of Spying and Counter-Spying (2021). CESifo Working Paper No. 9021, Available at SSRN: or

Cuihong Fan (Contact Author)

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics ( email )

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Byoung Jun

Korea University ( email )

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Elmar G. Wolfstetter

Humboldt University of Berlin - Faculty of Economics ( email )

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