Creating a Therapeutic Justice Culture
[2021] SAL Practitioner 20 Available at:
6 Pages Posted: 9 Jun 2021
Date Written: June 4, 2021
This is a short essay designed to introduce readers--especially judges, lawyers, mental health and related professionals, and of course students--to the area of therapeutic jurisprudence (TJ). It explains TJ, its development in the area of mental health law, its conceptual framework, and its expansion to many other areas of the law, such as criminal law, family law, and the like, and it notes the importance of the overall TJ community and its resources to the continued development of the area.
The essay was invited by the SAL Practitioner, an important journal in Singapore, where great strides are being made to introduce TJ to judges, lawyers, mental health professionals and students. Its coverage, however, is relevant to all jurisdictions, and this essay will hopefully serve as a meaningful and "sticky" guide to TJ regardless of jurisdiction.
Keywords: Therapeutic jurisprudence, therapeutic justice, TJ, mental health, mental disability law, criminal law, criminal procedure, family law, criminology law, law and psychology, legal education, professional responsibility, SAL Practitioner, international law, Singapore
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