Sufism in Hindu and Musalman
2 Pages Posted: 22 Jun 2021
Date Written: June 11, 2021
Though the Sufis gave their views that the Quran and the traditions were the only source of their doctrines but Sufism reveals the fact that many Influences worked in its development. It is proved in close resemblance to Indian thought. The influence of Indian thought on Sufism can never be denied when we see certain parallel doctrines in Sufism end Hinduism. The capture of the territory between Makrom and Kankan by the Arab in 672 A.D. brought Islam to the forefront in India. In the eight century the Abbasid Khalifas after conquering Sind formed a remote province of the Muslim empire. Several steps were taken during the Caliphate of Mansur, Harun and Mamun to study Indian thought. The Pandit of Sind presented to Mansur Brahmasiddhanta- and Khandakhedyeka, the famous books on astronomy written by Brahma Gupta which were translated into arable and widely used by the Arabs. Khalifa Harunur Rashid's regimes saw the cultivation of Indian thought into Arabic literature.
Keywords: Docrtine, Gita, Hindu, Musalman, Quran, Ramayan, Sufism
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