Financial Reporting and Employee Job Search
77 Pages Posted: 28 Jun 2021 Last revised: 7 Dec 2022
Date Written: December 6, 2022
We investigate the effects of financial reporting on current employee job search; i.e., whether firms' public financial reports cause their employees to reevaluate their jobs and consider leaving. We develop theory for why current employees use earnings announcements to inform job search decisions, and empirically investigate job search based on employees' activity on a popular job market website. We find that job search by current employees increases significantly during earnings announcement weeks, especially when employees are more mobile and when their information frictions are greater. We also find that employees use earnings announcements to update their expectations about their employers' economic prospects, consistent with learning, and some evidence that positive announcements elicit less search. Our paper contributes to the burgeoning labor and accounting literature by providing among the first evidence closely linking financial reports to employee learning and job search.
Keywords: Financial reporting; Employee turnover; Labor mobility; Job search; Earnings announcements; Employee learning; Glassdoor
JEL Classification: G14, J62, J63, M41
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