The Role of Culture in Firm-Bank Matching

62 Pages Posted: 12 Jul 2021 Last revised: 8 Nov 2022

See all articles by Antonio Accetturo

Antonio Accetturo

Bank of Italy

Giorgia Barboni

University of Warwick - Finance Group

Michele Cascarano

Bank of Italy

Emilia Garcia-Appendini

Norges Bank; University of St. Gallen - School of Finance; Swiss Finance Institute

Date Written: November 7, 2022


We assemble a unique dataset containing population-level information on loan applications in a region hosting two cultural groups to study the role of culture in firm borrowing decisions. We find that firms are more likely to apply for loans from culturally close banks. This effect is stronger for opaque firms, but not for less performing firms, indicating that firms do not expect preferential treatment from same-culture banks. Loan applications to culturally distant banks increase sharply with firms’ size and age, suggesting a role of information asymmetry in firm-bank matching. In contrast, we find no effect of cultural proximity on loan supply. Overall, our results show that demand-side factors play a key role in the formation of same-culture lending relationships.

Keywords: Culture; Loan applications; Asymmetric information; Bank-firm matching

JEL Classification: G21, G30, Z1

Suggested Citation

Accetturo, Antonio and Barboni, Giorgia and Cascarano, Michele and Garcia-Appendini, Emilia, The Role of Culture in Firm-Bank Matching (November 7, 2022). Available at SSRN: or

Antonio Accetturo

Bank of Italy ( email )

Via Nazionale 91
Rome, 00184

Giorgia Barboni

University of Warwick - Finance Group ( email )

Gibbet Hill Rd
Coventry, CV4 7AL
Great Britain

Michele Cascarano

Bank of Italy ( email )

Via Nazionale 91
Rome, 00184

Emilia Garcia-Appendini (Contact Author)

Norges Bank ( email )

P.O. Box 1179
Oslo, N-0107

University of St. Gallen - School of Finance ( email )

Unterer Graben 21
St.Gallen, CH-9000

Swiss Finance Institute ( email )

c/o University of Geneva
40, Bd du Pont-d'Arve
CH-1211 Geneva 4

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