The currency that came in from the cold: Capital controls and the information content of order flow

Central Bank of Iceland Working Paper 2021/86

36 Pages Posted: 20 Aug 2021

See all articles by Francis Breedon

Francis Breedon

University of London, Queen Mary - School of Economics and Finance

Thórarinn G. Pétursson

Central Bank of Iceland

Paolo Vitale

G. d'Annunzio University - Dipartimento di Economia

Date Written: June 18, 2021


We analyse how capital controls affect FX microstructure, using as a case study the introduction and subsequent removal of controls in Iceland. We use a VAR of private order flow, Central Bank order flow and EURISK that allows for contemporaneous feedback effects to analyse the impact and information content of trades and find that controls have profound effects. When controls were introduced, volume plummeted, the information content of trading activity declined and became less responsive to macro news. While there was no recovery of trading volume after controls were abolished, the information content and responsiveness of trading activity increased sharply.

Keywords: Exchange rates, Order flow, Market microstructure, Capital controls

JEL Classification: C32, F31, F32, G14, G15

Suggested Citation

Breedon, Francis and Pétursson, Thórarinn G. and Vitale, Paolo, The currency that came in from the cold: Capital controls and the information content of order flow (June 18, 2021). Central Bank of Iceland Working Paper 2021/86, Available at SSRN: or

Francis Breedon (Contact Author)

University of London, Queen Mary - School of Economics and Finance ( email )

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Thórarinn G. Pétursson

Central Bank of Iceland ( email )


Paolo Vitale

G. d'Annunzio University - Dipartimento di Economia ( email )

I-65127 Pescara, Pescara
+39 085 453 7647 (Phone)
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