Information Brokering in Globally Distributed Work: A Workarounds Perspective

Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems 2018, December 15-18, 2018, San Francisco, USA.

The University of Auckland Business School Research Paper Series

Posted: 11 Oct 2021

See all articles by Jade Wendy Brooks

Jade Wendy Brooks

University of Auckland Business School

Ilan Oshri

University of Auckland Business School

M. N. Ravishankar

Loughborough University - School of Business and Economics

Date Written: 2018


Past studies have so far taken an interest in the two important roles intermediaries play to effectively broker information. One, where intermediaries connect information between multiple users. Two, where they protect information being transmitted. Common to these two streams is the assumption that efficient brokering takes place when information is visible. However, in practice, information exchanges bypass the intermediary for various reasons. Despite this, existing research has paid little attention how intermediaries broker effectively when information is not visible. Drawing on a qualitative case study in a globally distributed finance function we explore how intermediaries broker in a complex, distributed setting that creates conditions to distort and hide information. We contribute to brokering literature by offering a new third role: regulating information. Our research also provides insights for intermediary management by illuminating the normative complexity of information workarounds which aid problem-solving but leads to information hiding. Full paper available at

Suggested Citation

Brooks, Jade Wendy and Oshri, Ilan and Ravishankar, M. N., Information Brokering in Globally Distributed Work: A Workarounds Perspective (2018). Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems 2018, December 15-18, 2018, San Francisco, USA., The University of Auckland Business School Research Paper Series, Available at SSRN:

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