Freud ante la esfinge: Profecías autocumplidas, interpretaciones autointerpretables (Freud before the Sphinx: Self-fulfilling Prophecies, Self-Interpreting Interpretations)
Ibercampus (July 28, 2021)
11 Pages Posted: 21 Jan 2022
Date Written: 2011
Spanish abstract: La teoría y la práctica del complejo de Edipo, y otros episodios relativos a la vida de Freud y a su relación con la figura de la esfinge, suponen un curioso caso de enigma irónico o de profecía autocumplida, que por otra parte ya está anticipado en el mito clásico de Edipo o es invitado irresistiblemente por él. Un retropost de 2011.
English abstract: The and practice of the Oedipus complex, and other episodes relative to Freud's life and his relation with the figure of the Sphinx, amount to a curious case of ironic enigma or self-fulfilling prophecy, one which moreover is already anticipated in the classical myth of Oedipus, or appears to be irresistibly invited by it. A retropost from 2011.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
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