Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Tax: Ideas and Resources to Mentor Students and Lawyers and Lead Discussions of DEI (Panel Slides)
2021 Fall Tax Meeting,
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2021-30
16 Pages Posted: 9 Nov 2021
Date Written: September 22, 2021
The ABA Tax Section Teaching Taxation Committee hosted a panel on promoting diversity in tax, as part of the ABA Tax Section Fall 2021 Meeting. This document is the panel organizer’s and presenters’ slides for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Tax: Ideas and Resources to Mentor Students and Lawyers and Lead Discussions of DEI. (Additional panel materials are available in a separate document.)
Learning Outcomes for the Panel: After the Panel, audience members would be able to:
• State the problem: Black Lawyers and other lawyers of color are severely underrepresented in tax practice
• State the action required: Teachers and tax lawyers need to take action to increase the diversity of tax practice, e.g., by educating others about the connections between tax law and racial justice
• Compile a packet of sources (from the panel materials) to facilitate a group discussion of connections between tax law and racial justice
• Describe programs offered by the U.S. Tax Court and the ABA Tax Section to increase DEI in tax practice; and
• Access biographical materials (described in the panel materials) on diverse individual role models in tax practice.
Keywords: Diversity; Equity; Inclusion; DEI; Race and Tax; Teaching Tax; Tax Practice; Tax Law; ABA Tax Section; United States Tax Court; legal fellowships
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation