
The Influence of Parenting to Building Character in Adolescents

13 Pages Posted: 10 Nov 2021 Publication Status: Published

See all articles by Rini Sugiarti

Rini Sugiarti

Universitas Semarang - Department of Psychology

Erwin Erlangga

Universitas Semarang - Department of Psychology

Fendy Suhariadi

Universitas Airlangga


Character building in adolescents, starting from the right - childhood; and continued throughout his life span. Character building in adolescents is associated with psychosocial development. Character building in adolescents is very important because it will be a strong foundation for the personality of the teenager. The purpose of this study was to empirically test the influence of parenting on character building in adolescents. 415 Adolescents were involved in the study. The sampling technique used is Cluster Random Sampling. Tools used in this study in the form of Scale. There are 2 scales, namely Character Building Scale and Parenting Scale. The scale of youth character building includes 3 indicators of peace, respect for difference, and awareness. The scale of parenting includes three indicators, namely parental cooperation, child tolerance, and warmth. Analyze data using Simple Regression Analysis. The results of this study showed that although less significant, there is an influence of parenting on character building in adolescents. Understanding that the influence of parenting on character formation in adolescents is less significant, so in character formation in adolescents, it is necessary to pay attention to other factors, namely schools and communities. The results of this study also provide a strengthening understanding that adolescents with positive character, in the form of positive social support from their social environment.

Keywords: parenting, Character Building, psychosocial, adolescent

Suggested Citation

Sugiarti, Rini and Erlangga, Erwin and Suhariadi, Fendy, The Influence of Parenting to Building Character in Adolescents. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3960592 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3960592

Rini Sugiarti (Contact Author)

Universitas Semarang - Department of Psychology ( email )


Erwin Erlangga

Universitas Semarang - Department of Psychology


Fendy Suhariadi

Universitas Airlangga

Jl. Darmawangsa Dalam 2
Surabaya, 60286

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