EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, And Materials

Jones and Sufrin's EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (Oxford University Press, 7th edn, 2019)

King's College London Law School Research Paper Forthcoming

3 Pages Posted: 26 Jan 2022

See all articles by Alison Jones

Alison Jones

King's College London – The Dickson Poon School of Law

Brenda Elizabeth Sufrin


Niamh Dunne

London School of Economics - Law School

Multiple version iconThere are 4 versions of this paper

Date Written: September 3, 2019


This book examines EU competition law. It commences by considering the history and objectives of the rules before providing a comprehensive discussion, and critical analysis, of the substantive, rules governing anticompetitive agreements, abuse of dominance and mergers. The book also examines procedure and jurisdiction and provides a detailed scrutiny and critical analysis of the EU enforcement regime.

Keywords: EU Competition Law, Article 101, Article 102, Article 106, EU Merger Regulation, Public Enforcement, Private Enforcement, International Aspects

JEL Classification: K21, L40, L41, L42, L43, L44, L49

Suggested Citation

Jones, Alison and Sufrin, Brenda Elizabeth and Dunne, Niamh, EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, And Materials (September 3, 2019). Jones and Sufrin's EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (Oxford University Press, 7th edn, 2019), King's College London Law School Research Paper Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: or

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King's College London – The Dickson Poon School of Law ( email )

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Brenda Elizabeth Sufrin

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Niamh Dunne

London School of Economics - Law School ( email )

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