A Simple Correction for Misspecification in Trend-Cycle Decompositions with an Application to Estimating r*

58 Pages Posted: 14 Jan 2022 Last revised: 22 Mar 2023

See all articles by James Morley

James Morley

University of Sydney - School of Economics

Trung Duc Tran

The University of Sydney; University of Melbourne - Department of Economics

Benjamin Wong

Monash University - Department of Econometrics & Business Statistics

Date Written: March 2023


We propose a simple correction for misspecification in trend-cycle decompositions when the stochastic trend is assumed to be a random walk process but its estimated path displays serial correlation in its first differences. Possible sources of this misspecification, which might otherwise be hard to detect, include unaccounted for measurement error in the data, omitted variables, or incorrect assumptions about dynamics in the original model used to estimate trend. Our proposed correction is conducted via application of a univariate Beveridge-Nelson decomposition to the preliminary estimated trend and we show in Monte Carlo analysis that this approach can work as well as if the model used to estimate trend were correctly specified. We demonstrate the empirical relevance of our proposed correction in an application to estimating the trend path of the short-term risk-free real interest rate, r* (a.k.a. “r*-star”). Our corrected estimate of r* is considerably smoother than the preliminary estimate from a multivariate Beveridge-Nelson decomposition based on a vector error correction model, consistent with the presence of measurement error in at least some of the variables in the model.

(*Note:The working paper was originally published in January 2022 as 'The Decline in r* according to a Robust Multivariate Trend-Cycle Decomposition'.)

Keywords: trend-cycle decomposition, misspecification, natural rate of interest

JEL Classification: C13, C53, E43

Suggested Citation

Morley, James and Tran, Trung Duc and Wong, Benjamin, A Simple Correction for Misspecification in Trend-Cycle Decompositions with an Application to Estimating r* (March 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4007700 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4007700

James Morley

University of Sydney - School of Economics ( email )

Rm 607 Social Sciences Building
The University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW 2006 2008

HOME PAGE: http://https://sites.google.com/site/jamescmorley/

Trung Duc Tran

The University of Sydney ( email )

University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW 2006

University of Melbourne - Department of Economics ( email )

Melbourne, 3010

Benjamin Wong (Contact Author)

Monash University - Department of Econometrics & Business Statistics ( email )

Wellington Road
Clayton, Victoria 3168

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