Returns on Risky Portfolios Are Explained by a Two-Factor ICAPM Model Based on Firms’ Fundamentals

48 Pages Posted: 30 Jan 2022

See all articles by Stephen H. Penman

Stephen H. Penman

Columbia University - Columbia Business School, Accounting, Business Law & Taxation; Bocconi University

Julie Zhu

Fanhai International School of Finance(FISF), Fudan University

Haofei Wang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) - Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF)

Date Written: September 2021


A two-factor model explains returns for a variety of test portfolios, including those based of CAPM beta and those underlying factors in extant pricing models. The two-factor model involves the market factor and a factor based on firms’ fundamentals that has the feature of providing a hedge in down markets and a reverse-hedge in up markets. For a wide range of test portfolios, returns are described by sensitivity to the market factor with a beta of one and positions in the hedging factor. Fundamentals underlying the hedging factor appear to convey firms’ sensitivity to information that forecasts investment-consumption opportunities. Thus the paper provides a two-factor representation of the intertemporal asset pricing model (ICAPM).

Suggested Citation

Penman, Stephen H. and Zhu, Julie and Wang, Haofei, Returns on Risky Portfolios Are Explained by a Two-Factor ICAPM Model Based on Firms’ Fundamentals (September 2021). Columbia Business School Research Paper No. 4020541, Available at SSRN: or

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Julie Zhu

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Haofei Wang

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) - Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) ( email )

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