Pornhub and the Value of Bitcoin
10 Pages Posted: 19 Feb 2022
Date Written: February 16, 2022
In December 2020, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover stopped processing payments for Pornhub, a website based in Canada that allows users around the world to upload and view pornographic videos. Cut off from traditional payment processors, Pornhub had to rely on cryptocurrencies. I consider the extent to which deplatforming Pornhub increased the value of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies accepted on the site.
Keywords: bitcoin, cryptocurrency, deplatforming, financial privacy, payments, platforms, Pornhub
JEL Classification: E41, E42, G23, K42
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Luther, William J., Pornhub and the Value of Bitcoin (February 16, 2022). AIER Sound Money Project Working Paper No. 2022-04, Available at SSRN: or
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