Nutrition as a Basic Need: A New Method for Utility-Consistent and Nutritionally Adequate Food Poverty Lines

IFPRI Discussion Paper 2120. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (2022)

41 Pages Posted: 2 Jun 2022

See all articles by Kristi Mahrt

Kristi Mahrt

Environment and Production Technology Division of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Anna Herforth

Tufts University - Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy

Sherman Robinson

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Channing Arndt

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Derek Headey

CGIAR - Poverty, Health and Nutrition Division

Date Written: May 5, 2022


In most countries and globally, malnutrition rates exceed poverty rates. The World Bank estimates that about 9 percent (689 million) of the global population is poor, yet an estimated 25 percent (2 billion people) suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. Such a discrepancy begs the question: Do standard poverty metrics poorly reflect nutritional needs? The most prevalent methodology for measuring poverty in low- and middle-income countries – the cost of basic needs approach – estimates food baskets that satisfy a dietary energy standard while reflecting consumption patterns of poor households. However, poor households typically consume monotonous diets characterized by large quantities of calorically cheap staple foods that are poor sources of nutrients. This reality creates a circular logic whereby the cost of basic nutritional needs is estimated from populations who are consuming nutritionally inadequate diets. We argue that a healthy diet is a basic need and that the standard used to calculate cost of basic needs food poverty lines should be expanded to satisfy nutritional dietary recommendations, while continuing to reflect context-specific dietary patterns. We develop an approach to estimate food poverty lines that satisfies the food group proportionality associated with healthy diet recommendations while also adhering to observed within-food group consumption patterns of poor households. Furthermore, we address the limitation of estimating a single national food basket – which fails to capture variation in local consumption patterns driven by preferences, availability, and relative prices – by estimating utility-consistent regional poverty lines. We demonstrate the approach using data from Myanmar. Energy-based poverty lines significantly underestimate the cost of acquiring a healthy diet, are severely deficient in multiple micronutrients, and therefore result in a drastic underestimate of the rate of poverty based on a healthy diet standard. The resulting higher cost of basic needs also has important implications for inclusive economic growth strategies and nutrition-sensitive food policies and social protection.

Keywords: nutrition, poverty, healthy diets, food prices, basic needs

Suggested Citation

Mahrt, Kristi and Herforth, Anna and Robinson, Sherman and Arndt, Channing and Headey, Derek, Nutrition as a Basic Need: A New Method for Utility-Consistent and Nutritionally Adequate Food Poverty Lines (May 5, 2022). IFPRI Discussion Paper 2120. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (2022), Available at SSRN:

Kristi Mahrt (Contact Author)

Environment and Production Technology Division of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ( email )

1201 Eye St, NW,
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Anna Herforth

Tufts University - Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy ( email )

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Sherman Robinson

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ( email )

1201 Eye St, NW,
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Channing Arndt

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ( email )

1201 Eye St, NW,
Washington, DC 20005
United States

Derek Headey

CGIAR - Poverty, Health and Nutrition Division ( email )

Washington, DC 20005
United States

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