Census of Regulatory Restrictions

35 Pages Posted: 1 Jun 2022

See all articles by Samuel Kofi Ampaabeng

Samuel Kofi Ampaabeng

IMPAQ International, LLC; Clark University - Department of Economics

Patrick A. McLaughlin

Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Thurston Powers

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Date Written: May 2022


Ever since its introduction in 2012, RegData—the Mercatus Center’s database for quantifying federal regulation—has served as an objective tool for measuring regulations within a jurisdiction. In the decade since its launch, RegData has expanded significantly to cover several jurisdictions, both national and subnational. Using RegData, we compare the volume and other features of the regulatory landscapes of three large countries—Australia, Canada, and the United States—and their states and provinces. In addition to comparing the volume of regulations, we also discuss the complexity of the regulations, the industries that are affected by those regulations, and, in the case of the United States, the agencies that issue them.

Keywords: Regulations; RegData; United States; Australia; Canada; Regulatory Agencies; Regulated Industries

JEL Classification: K0, K1, K2, K23

Suggested Citation

Ampaabeng, Samuel Kofi and McLaughlin, Patrick A. and Powers, Thurston, Census of Regulatory Restrictions (May 2022). Mercatus Center Research Paper, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4124470

Samuel Kofi Ampaabeng

IMPAQ International, LLC ( email )

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HOME PAGE: http://www.impaqint.com

Clark University - Department of Economics ( email )

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Patrick A. McLaughlin (Contact Author)

Mercatus Center at George Mason University ( email )

3434 Washington Blvd., 4th Floor
Arlington, VA 22201
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(703) 993-9670 (Phone)

HOME PAGE: http://www.patrickamclaughlin.com

Thurston Powers

affiliation not provided to SSRN

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