Hyper-Pool: Pooling Private Trips into High-Occupancy Transit-Like Attractive Shared Rides
20 Pages Posted: 8 Jun 2022
We propose Hyper-pool, an analytical, offline, utility-driven ride-pooling algorithm to aggregate individual trip requests into attractive shared rides of high-occupancy.We depart from our ride-pooling ExMAS algorithm where single rides are pooled into attractive door-to-door rides and propose two novel demand-side algorithms for further aggregating individual demand towards more compact pooling. First, we generate stop-to-stop rides, with a single pick up and drop off points optimal for all the travellers. Second, we bundle such rides again, resulting with hyper-pooled rides compact enough to resemble public transport operations. We propose a bottom-up framework where the pooling degree of identified rides is gradually increased, thereby ensuring attractiveness at subsequent aggregation levels.Our Hyper-pool method outputs the set of attractive pooled rides per service variant for a given travel demand. The algorithms are publicly available and reproducible. It is applicable for real-size demand datasets and opens new opportunities for exploiting the limits of ride-pooling potential.In our Amsterdam case-study we managed to pool over 220 travellers into 40 hyper-pooled rides of average occupancy 5.8 pax/veh.
Keywords: ride-pooling, ride-hailing, mobility as a service, transit network design, shareability, ride-sharing
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