Populist Attitudes, Fiscal Illusion and Fiscal Preferences: Evidence from Dutch Households

33 Pages Posted: 15 Jun 2022

See all articles by Massimo Giuliodori

Massimo Giuliodori

University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics & Econometrics (FEE); Tinbergen Institute

Jante Parlevliet

De Nederlandsche Bank

Matthijs Rooduijn

University of Amsterdam

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It is well documented that the public is often poorly informed about economic facts and mechanisms. In the domain of fiscal policy, this may make voters susceptible to favour spending, while underestimating its costs (fiscal illusion). While politicians typically have a comparative advantage in economic policymaking, voters may be less inclined to rely on proposals for prudent fiscal policy if they do not believe that these politicians act in their best interest – an idea that in recent decades has become more prevalent. Using a novel dataset from the Netherlands, this paper assesses whether people with strong populist ideas also report significantly more expansionary fiscal preferences, and whether populist attitudes reinforce the risk of fiscal illusion. We find that (i) populist attitudes indeed come with more expansionary preferences, (ii) literacy and information provision – which have the potential to alleviate the occurrence of fiscal illusion – contribute to less expansionary fiscal preferences and (iii) the effect of literacy is conditional on the level of populist sentiment. In particular, we find that poorly literate respondents report significantly higher support for tax relief only when they hold strong populist attitudes, but not when they report lower levels of populist sentiment.

Keywords: fiscal preferences, literacy, fiscal illusion, populism.

Suggested Citation

Giuliodori, Massimo and Parlevliet, Jante and Rooduijn, Matthijs, Populist Attitudes, Fiscal Illusion and Fiscal Preferences: Evidence from Dutch Households. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4137073 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4137073

Massimo Giuliodori (Contact Author)

University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics & Econometrics (FEE) ( email )

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Jante Parlevliet

De Nederlandsche Bank ( email )

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Matthijs Rooduijn

University of Amsterdam ( email )

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