DALL-E Does Palsgraf
43 Pages Posted: 30 Sep 2022 Last revised: 17 Feb 2023
Date Written: August 24, 2022
What happens when we ask a leading artificial intelligence (AI) tool for image generation to illustrate the facts of a leading law school case? This article does just that. I first introduce this tool specifically and machine learning generally. I then summarize the seminal case of Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad. For the main event, I show the images that the tool created based on the facts as the majority and dissent recount them. Finally, I translate this exercise into lessons for how lawyers and the law should think about AI.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, machine learning, image generation, DALL-E, deepfakes, criminal, algorithmic discrimination, Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad, Cardozo
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