When Does Time Enhance Family Firm Performance? Examining Family Generation in Control and Family Control Dispersion through a Mixed-Gamble Logic
Long Range Planning, Forthcoming
40 Pages Posted: 6 Dec 2022
Date Written: November 4, 2022
We investigate the differential effect of time in terms of generation in control of the firm’s management on family firm performance to address the call in the literature for a more nuanced treatment of family firms and their performance differences. By drawing on the mixed-gamble logic of the behavioral agency model, our work suggests that the family’s socio-emotional wealth (SEW) varies across generations, resulting in complex performance relationships. We theorize and empirically find that earlier-generation family firms protect current SEW and perform increasingly worse while later-generation firms maximize prospective financial wealth and perform increasingly better. Additionally, we argue that high family control dispersion mitigates the negative effect on performance of earlier generations in control and increases the positive effect of later generations in control. Important theoretical and practical contributions emerge from this study.
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