Spying in Bertrand Markets Under Incomplete Information: Who Benefits and Is It Stable?

17 Pages Posted: 21 Nov 2022

See all articles by Cuihong Fan

Cuihong Fan

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Byoung Jun

Korea University - Department of Economics

Elmar G. Wolfstetter

Humboldt University of Berlin - Faculty of Economics; Korea University - College of Economics and Commerce; CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute)

Date Written: May 1, 2022


We analyze spying out a rival’s price in a general duopoly model with differentiated prod- ucts where payoff functions are strictly supermodular and firms are subject to incomplete information about costs. Spying has two effects: it induces a sequential game and eliminates the spying firm’s uncertainty. In sharp contrast to the case of complete information, spying does not benefit both firms: it adversely affects the spied-at firm if its cost is low and may expose the spying firm to a negative value of information. We decompose the impact of spy- ing into its sequential moves effect and its information effect and find conditions for profitable espionage. We also show that the spied-at firm cannot benefit from bypassing the spy if its cost is low by delaying its pricing decision (or firing the spy) because this would trigger a devastating cascade of belief changes.

Suggested Citation

Fan, Cuihong and Jun, Byoung H. and Wolfstetter, Elmar G., Spying in Bertrand Markets Under Incomplete Information: Who Benefits and Is It Stable? (May 1, 2022). Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 102, 2022, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4271015

Cuihong Fan

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics ( email )

777 Guoding Road
Shanghai, AK Shanghai 200433

Byoung H. Jun

Korea University - Department of Economics ( email )

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+82 2 926 3601 (Fax)

Elmar G. Wolfstetter (Contact Author)

Humboldt University of Berlin - Faculty of Economics ( email )

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+49 30 2093 5619 (Fax)

HOME PAGE: http://sites.google.com/view/wolfstetter/home

Korea University - College of Economics and Commerce ( email )

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Seoul, 136-701

CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute)

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HOME PAGE: http://www.CESifo.de

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