Physical Properties of Precipitating Amine System Using 2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol in Dimethyl Sulfoxide

8 Pages Posted: 14 Nov 2022

See all articles by Erik Robertsson

Erik Robertsson

Lund University - Department of Chemical Engineering

Hanna Karlsson

Lund University - Department of Chemical Engineering

Helena Svensson

Lund University - Department of Chemical Engineering

Date Written: November 10, 2022


In order to evaluate a precipitating absorption system consisting of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on a pilot scale, the physical properties of the system need to be determined. In this work, the freezing point (measured as melting temperature), density and viscosity of 25 wt% AMP in DMSO was evaluated at different CO2 loadings. The density and viscosity were also evaluated at a higher amine content (50 wt%). Since DMSO is hygroscopic, likely resulting in water accumulation during operation with humid flue gases, two different water concentrations (5 and 10 wt%) were also investigated. The melting temperature was found to be lower with higher water content in the solution and, in most cases, higher at higher CO2 loadings. However, all mixed solutions (both unloaded and loaded) had a lower melting temperature than pure AMP and DMSO. The density of the solutions increased slightly with increased water content, whereas a higher amine content led to lower densities. The densities also increased with increasing loading. Assuming constant volume and adding the weight of absorbed CO2 to the density of the unloaded solution gave a good approximation of the overall density of the CO2-loaded mixtures (within 2% of the experimental value). The viscosity of the mixtures increased with both water and amine content, and for the unloaded solutions, the highest viscosity obtained was for 50AD-10W at 13.2 mPas. The apparent viscosity of the slurries increased with increasing loading.

Keywords: AMP, DMSO, CO2, absorption, density, viscosity

Suggested Citation

Robertsson, Erik and Karlsson, Hanna and Svensson, Helena, Physical Properties of Precipitating Amine System Using 2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol in Dimethyl Sulfoxide (November 10, 2022). Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) 23-24 Oct 2022, Available at SSRN: or

Erik Robertsson

Lund University - Department of Chemical Engineering

Box 117
Lund, SC Skane S221 00

Hanna Karlsson

Lund University - Department of Chemical Engineering ( email )

Naturvetarvägen 14
Lund, 221 00

Helena Svensson (Contact Author)

Lund University - Department of Chemical Engineering

Box 117
Lund, SC Skane S221 00

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