DISPLACE Technology to Efficiently Decarbonize Steel Industry

8 Pages Posted: 28 Nov 2022

See all articles by Giampaolo Manzolini

Giampaolo Manzolini

Polytechnic University of Milan

Antonio Giuffrida

Polytechnic University of Milan - Department of Energy

Nicola Zecca

Politecnico di Milano - Department of Energy

Leonie Lücking

TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

Johannis A.Z. Pieterse

TNO Energy-Transition

Francesco Sebastiani

TNO Energy-Transition

H.A.J. van Dijk

TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

Date Written: November 23, 2022


This paper presents the application of an innovative adsorption process called DISPLACE to capture CO2 from the steel plant flue gases. In this process, the CO2 is adsorbed onto the sorbent due to high partial pressures of CO2 which is then displaced by H2O adsorption on shared adsorption sites. The process is for the first time applied to steel plant, therefore a preliminary process optimization must be carried out focusing on the feed pressure as main parameter: the higher the pressure, the more energy to compress the gases but lower vessel size. Results show that operating the process at 5 bar optimizes the process from both energy, environmental and economic perspective. The resulting cost of CO2 avoided assuming to exploit internal steel plant heat can be as low as 23 €/tCO2 with 2019 energy prices, which doubles assuming 2022 prices.

Keywords: Steel sector, DISPLACE technology, process simulation, cost analyis

Suggested Citation

Manzolini, Giampaolo and Giuffrida, Antonio and Zecca, Nicola and Lücking, Leonie and Pieterse, Johannis A.Z. and Sebastiani, Francesco and van Dijk, H.A.J., DISPLACE Technology to Efficiently Decarbonize Steel Industry (November 23, 2022). Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) 23-24 Oct 2022, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4284573 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4284573

Giampaolo Manzolini (Contact Author)

Polytechnic University of Milan ( email )

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci
Milan, Milano 20100

Antonio Giuffrida

Polytechnic University of Milan - Department of Energy

via Lambruschini 4
Milan, 20156

Nicola Zecca

Politecnico di Milano - Department of Energy ( email )

via Lambruschini 4
Milan, 20156

Leonie Lücking

TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

Johannis A.Z. Pieterse

TNO Energy-Transition ( email )


Francesco Sebastiani

TNO Energy-Transition


H.A.J. Van Dijk

TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research ( email )


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