Demystifying Performance Management - The Predictive Performance Analytics

14 Pages Posted: 14 Dec 2022

Date Written: November 24, 2022


In the present world of BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible), the organisations are more performance driven to sustain, survive and succeed. What gets measured gets managed. Forwarding with AI powered interventions is a beginning, working with real-time scenarios is progress, and collaborating for winning the hearts of ‘Human Capital’ is success i.e., the secret ingredient of Performance Management (PM) and flavour of the decade. The Predictive Analytics encapsulates extraneous and exogenous data, enhances employee engagement and enablement, assesses and analyses the performance of employees, facilitates employee performance evaluations, predicts the future potential, and provides analytical insights for future decision-making.

The anecdotal and empirical evidences on PM, applications and adoptions of PM tools and techniques in corporate, the reflections and refractions of Predictive Performance Promoter Score per se are the fragrance and flavour of the study. The Mean and Median PPS Scores of 25 Software Employees are 7.842 and 9 respectively. Moreover, 72 percent of them are Promoters (Performance Rating of 9 and 10), 24 percent are Detractors (Performance Rating between 1 and 6) and the Net Performance Promoter Score (NPPS) of +58% indicates that the performance of the Sample Managers is excellent and on a par with international benchmarks. In a similar vein, the NPPS is to be adopted in administrative, developmental, and check-in departments also. The study offers actionable insights for improving human excellence as well as maximising human happiness keeping in view the organisational success and sustainability.

The intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, motivation and coaching, Pay For Performance (PFP), invest in people and technology, healthy workspaces, sustainable citizenship crafting per se are deep purpose and context of PM, albeit, ‘People Matters’. Human Capital Intelligence (HCI) has emerged as the heart of ‘Performance Management’ and the soul of ‘Performance Culture’ i.e., the Future of AI Powered HCM. Performance Enablement, Employee Engagement, Employee Experience, Organisational Culture, High Performance Organisation Framework, Comprehensive PMSE Model, and Strategic PMS…’Everything Matters’, above all, it is the only results that matter at the end of the day.

Keywords: AI, HCM, HCI, PFP, PM, NPPS

JEL Classification: O15, J53, J59, M12

Suggested Citation

Prakash, Kovvali Bhanu and PRK, RAJU, Demystifying Performance Management - The Predictive Performance Analytics (November 24, 2022). Available at SSRN: or

Kovvali Bhanu Prakash (Contact Author)

Symbiosis International University



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