Demonstration of a Semi-Automated Decision Support Toolbox to Aid Operators in the Design of Efficient Environmental Offshore Monitoring Programs for Co2 Storage Sites

12 Pages Posted: 7 Dec 2022

See all articles by Marius Dewar

Marius Dewar

Plymouth Marine Laboratory; Heriot-Watt University - School of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Guttorm Alendal

University of Bergen - Department of Mathematics

Jerry Blackford

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Stefan Carpentier

TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

Ketil Iversen

University of Bergen

Anna Oleynik

University of Bergen - Department of Mathematics

Abdirahman Omar

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS

Darren Snee

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Parisa Torabi

University of Bergen

Date Written: December 6, 2022


Optimised marine monitoring strategies for CCS can be developed through several computational approaches. Many of these methods exist already including simulating hypothetical release events through models of hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry, quantifying highly sensitive criteria to distinguish from anomalous background conditions as an anomaly indicator, and the use of complex algorithms or machine learning to increases the certainty of detecting anomalies whilst utilising the most cost effective mobile or stationary monitoring platform distributions. However, one of the biggest challenges is the accessibility of these approaches, including closed source programs and inaccessible data, along with the need for programming skills and high-powered supercomputers. We integrate a number of these approaches and make them accessible through the ACTOM toolbox, the end-product of which is to aid users in defining a monitoring plan that will satisfy local stakeholders The toolbox uses pre-existing hydrodynamic and marine biogeochemical data that can be readily attained from existing high-resolution models and simulations, combined with available in-situ measurements, allowing the methodologies to be applied coherently to multiple offshore storage sites and to answer specific stakeholder led questions around required sensitivity and assurance levels. The ACTOM toolbox is designed to provide value over a range of field cases with diverse subsurface geology and environmental marine characteristics. Here we present the technical details of the ACTOM toolbox, and its components. The preparation steps for various sites, and how the toolbox can address regional concerns and be tuned to local characteristics is presented in another contribution to GHGT-16.

Keywords: Measurement Monitoring and Verification (MMV), Offshore Storage, Monitoring, Marine, Assurance

Suggested Citation

Dewar, Marius and Alendal, Guttorm and Blackford, Jerry and Carpentier, Stefan and Iversen, Ketil and Oleynik, Anna and Omar, Abdirahman and Snee, Darren and Torabi, Parisa, Demonstration of a Semi-Automated Decision Support Toolbox to Aid Operators in the Design of Efficient Environmental Offshore Monitoring Programs for Co2 Storage Sites (December 6, 2022). Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) 23-24 Oct 2022, Available at SSRN: or

Marius Dewar (Contact Author)

Plymouth Marine Laboratory ( email )

Prospect Place
The Hoe
Plymouth, PL1 3DH
United Kingdom

Heriot-Watt University - School of Engineering and Physical Sciences ( email )

Edinburgh, EH14 4AS
United Kingdom

Guttorm Alendal

University of Bergen - Department of Mathematics

P. O. Box 7803
Bergen, N-5020

Jerry Blackford

Plymouth Marine Laboratory ( email )

Prospect Place
The Hoe
Plymouth, PL1 3DH
United Kingdom

Stefan Carpentier

TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research ( email )

Princetonlaan 6
Utrecht, Utrecht 3584 CB
0031888664256​ (Phone)


Ketil Iversen

University of Bergen

Anna Oleynik

University of Bergen - Department of Mathematics ( email )

P. O. Box 7803
Realfagbygget, Allégt. 41
Bergen, N-5020

HOME PAGE: http://

Abdirahman Omar

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS ( email )

P.O.B. 22 Nygårdstangen
Bergen, NO-5838

Darren Snee

Plymouth Marine Laboratory ( email )

Prospect Place
The Hoe
Plymouth, PL1 3DH
United Kingdom

Parisa Torabi

University of Bergen ( email )

Muséplassen 1
N-5008 Bergen, +47 55 58

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