Computational Tools and Workflows for Quantitative Risk Assessment and Decision Support for Geologic Carbon Storage Sites: Progress and Insights from the U.S. DOE’s National Risk Assessment Partnership

14 Pages Posted: 12 Dec 2022

See all articles by Robert Dilmore

Robert Dilmore

National Energy Technology Laboratory

Delphine Appriou

Government of the United States of America - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Diana H. Bacon

Government of the United States of America - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Christopher Brown

Government of the United States of America - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Abdullah Cihan

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Erika Gasperikova

University of California, Berkeley - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)

Kayla Kroll

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Curtis Oldenburg

University of California, Berkeley - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)

Rajesh Pawar

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Megan Smith

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Brian Strazisar

National Energy Technology Laboratory

Dennise Templeton

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

R. Burt Thomas

National Energy Technology Laboratory

Veronika Vasylkivska

Government of the United States of America - National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)

Joshua A. White

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Date Written: December 9, 2022


The 2005 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on CCS raised the profile of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) as an important technology for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. CCS is now recognized as a key component of most climate change mitigation scenarios. Since publication of that report the international research, development, and deployment (RD&D) community has advanced key technical aspects, clarified regulatory requirements, explored value chain and infrastructure solutions, and developed incentive paradigms to enable and promote large-scale deployment of CCS. These efforts have included research to better characterize geologic storage resources, to improve injection performance and storage efficiency, to assess and manage subsurface environmental risks, and to advance monitoring technologies to assure system conformance. These efforts have helped to build confidence in the viability of geologic carbon storage (GCS), but stakeholder concerns about long-term risks and liability associated with GCS remain a hurdle to broad acceptance and large-scale deployment of CCS.

Since 2010, the U.S. DOE’s National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP) – a research collaboration between five contributing national laboratories – has worked to establish and demonstrate methods and tools to quantify and manage the subsurface environmental risks associated with GCS, amidst uncertainty. This work supports the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Carbon Transport and Storage Program’s goal of advancing safe and secure commercial-scale GCS deployment. To address the technical challenge of simulating the physical response of the GCS site to large-scale CO2 injection, NRAP has adopted an approach that relies on coupling computationally efficient reduced-order and/or data-driven proxy models of important system components (i.e., storage reservoir, sealing caprock, leakage pathways, intermediate formations, overlying groundwater aquifers, and the atmosphere) in
an integrated assessment framework. That integrated model of the physical system is complemented with fit-for purpose functionality to support site characterization and risk-related decisions. The recently released NRAP Phase II toolset includes the Open-Source Integrated Assessment Model (NRAP-Open-IAM) for evaluation of trends in leakage risk and potential impact, tools to support monitoring design optimization (Designs for Risk Evaluation and Management – DREAM v3.0 and Passive Seismic Monitoring Tool - PSMT), and tools for state of stress evaluation (State-of-Stress Analysis Tool - SOSAT) and forecasting induced seismicity risk. The NRAP team has also released a pair of reports describing conceptual workflows to incorporate physics-based, quantitative risk assessment into many of the design, planning, operation, and closure decisions for GCS projects. An online catalogue highlights published studies where these tools and methods are demonstrated. In this presentation, the utility of these products to assess risks and address key stakeholder questions will be highlighted through examples, and related insights about the safety and security of geologic carbon storage in qualified storage sites will be discussed.

The prospect of rapid, large-scale deployment of GCS technology to aggressively reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions requires careful consideration of interference between multiple commercial-scale storage projects within a basin. Going forward, NRAP is expanding and adapting site-scale risk quantification tools and methods to enable assessment of risks and inform management decisions for basin-scale deployment. Increasingly, this work will leverage next-generation approaches for surrogate modelling, fast prediction, and advanced visualization enabled by machine learning and artificial intelligence to promote virtual learning, scenario evaluation, and augment risk-based decision making.

Keywords: quantitatitve risk assessment, geologic carbon storage, carbon capture and storage, uncertainty, monitoring, integrated assessment modeling, leakage, induced seismicity

Suggested Citation

Dilmore, Robert and Appriou, Delphine and Bacon, Diana H. and Brown, Christopher and Cihan, Abdullah and Gasperikova, Erika and Kroll, Kayla and Oldenburg, Curtis and Pawar, Rajesh and Smith, Megan and Strazisar, Brian and Templeton, Dennise and Thomas, R. Burt and Vasylkivska, Veronika and White, Joshua A., Computational Tools and Workflows for Quantitative Risk Assessment and Decision Support for Geologic Carbon Storage Sites: Progress and Insights from the U.S. DOE’s National Risk Assessment Partnership (December 9, 2022). Proceedings of the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) 23-24 Oct 2022, Available at SSRN: or

Robert Dilmore (Contact Author)

National Energy Technology Laboratory ( email )

3610 Collins Ferry Rd
Morgantown, WV 26507
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Delphine Appriou

Government of the United States of America - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Richland, WA 99352
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Diana H. Bacon

Government of the United States of America - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ( email )

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Christopher Brown

Government of the United States of America - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ( email )

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Abdullah Cihan

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab ( email )

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Erika Gasperikova

University of California, Berkeley - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) ( email )

Kayla Kroll

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( email )

P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94551
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Curtis Oldenburg

University of California, Berkeley - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) ( email )

1 Cyclotron Rd
Berkeley, CA 94720
United States

Rajesh Pawar

Los Alamos National Laboratory ( email )

MS T003
Los Alamos, NM 87545
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Megan Smith

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( email )

P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94551
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Brian Strazisar

National Energy Technology Laboratory

3610 Collins Ferry Rd
Morgantown, WV 26507
United States

Dennise Templeton

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( email )

R. Burt Thomas

National Energy Technology Laboratory

Veronika Vasylkivska

Government of the United States of America - National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)

Pittsburgh, PA
United States

Joshua A. White

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( email )

P.O. Box 808
Livermore, CA 94551
United States

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