Similarity and Consistency in Algorithm-Guided Exploration

29 Pages Posted: 17 Jan 2023

See all articles by Yongping Bao

Yongping Bao

University of Bremen

Ludwig Danwitz

University of Bremen

Fabian Dvorak

University of Konstanz - Faculty of Economics and Statistics; Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology

Sebastian Fehrler

IZA; University of Konstanz - Faculty of Economics and Statistics; Unversity of Bremen, SOCIUM; University of Zurich, Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS)

Lars Hornuf

Dresden University of Technology

Hsuan Yu Lin

University of Bremen

Bettina von Helversen

University of Bremen

Date Written: 2022


Algorithmic advice holds the potential to significantly enhance human decision-making, particularly in dynamic and complex tasks involving a trade-off between exploration and exploitation. We investigate the conditions under which people are willing to accept advice from algorithms in such tasks, focusing on the interplay between individuals’ and the advising algorithm’s exploration preferences. In an online experiment, we engineered reinforcement learning algorithms to favor either exploration or exploitation and observed participants’ decision-making processes, modeling them using a cognitive framework comparable to the algorithm. Interestingly, individuals showed a greater inclination to follow the advice of exploitative, consistent algorithms, possibly perceiving algorithmic consistency as a sign of competence. They did not exhibit a preference for algorithms with similar exploration tendencies to their own. Moreover, we found that participants’ exploration tendencies influenced the behavior of the algorithms, underscoring the importance of considering the mutually reinforcing co-behaviors of algorithms and humans.

Keywords: algorithms, decision support systems, recommender systems, advice-taking, multi-armed bandit, search, exploration-exploitation, cognitive modeling

JEL Classification: C910, D830

Suggested Citation

Bao, Yongping and Danwitz, Ludwig and Dvorak, Fabian and Fehrler, Sebastian and Hornuf, Lars and Lin, Hsuan Yu and Helversen, Bettina von, Similarity and Consistency in Algorithm-Guided Exploration (2022). CESifo Working Paper No. 10188, Available at SSRN: or

Yongping Bao (Contact Author)

University of Bremen ( email )

Universitaetsallee GW I
Bremen, D-28334

Ludwig Danwitz

University of Bremen ( email )

Universitaetsallee GW I
Bremen, D-28334

Fabian Dvorak

University of Konstanz - Faculty of Economics and Statistics ( email )

Universitaetsstr. 10
78457 Konstanz

Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology ( email )

Überlandstrasse 133
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Sebastian Fehrler

IZA ( email )

P.O. Box 7240
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University of Konstanz - Faculty of Economics and Statistics ( email )

Universitaetsstr. 10
78457 Konstanz

Unversity of Bremen, SOCIUM ( email )

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University of Zurich, Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) ( email )

Affolternstrasse 56
8050 Zurich

Lars Hornuf

Dresden University of Technology ( email )

Dresden, 01307


Hsuan Yu Lin

University of Bremen ( email )

Universitaetsallee GW I
Bremen, D-28334

Bettina von Helversen

University of Bremen ( email )

Universitaetsallee GW I
Bremen, D-28334

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