Amicus Brief in Gonzalez v. Google
17 Pages Posted: 19 Jan 2023
Date Written: January 16, 2023
This is Prof. Eric Goldman's amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Gonzalez v. Google, involving the scope of 47 USC 230's immunity for user-generated content services. The brief explains the interplay between Section 230 and the First Amendment, including how Section 230 provides important procedural complements to the First Amendment's substantive protections for online publishers. It also explains how the plaintiffs' requests to exclude algorithmic recommendations from Section 230's immunity would undermine Section 230's procedural benefits.
Keywords: first amendment, section 230, censorship, terrorism, supreme court, amicus brief, free speech, online speech, 47 usc 230, algorithms, algorithmic recommendations
JEL Classification: k13, k41, k42, l86, 033
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation