Whole School Approaches to Sustainability: An Interventional Study of Practitioners’ Perceptions from International Baccalaureate Schools in Pakistan
198 Pages Posted: 9 Feb 2023
Date Written: September 6, 2022
Whole School Approach (WSA) to Sustainability is a holistic approach to drive Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) focused transformation in all domains of a school. This research explored the perceptions of International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) Practitioners from Pakistan on Whole School Approaches to Sustainability. An exploration was undertaken considering IBMYP practitioners as the population, with this presumption that practitioners’ perspectives can provide valuable insights to embed Whole School Approaches (WSA) to sustainability. Moreover, IBMYP as a curriculum framework for schooling is worth investigating because of its convergence with the goals of ESD. To study perceptions of IB practitioners, a framework for Whole School Approaches (WSA) to Sustainability consisting of five dimensions was adapted from earlier models by Arjen J. Wals and Rosalie Mathie. This study deployed a sequential mixed-methods design, collecting data in three phases. Phase 1 gathered data via a quantitative questionnaire sent to all practitioners in IBMYP schools across Pakistan, followed by semi-structured interviews conducted with IB School Leaders in Phase 2. Based on the need of capacity building indicated in results of earlier two phases, capacity building module was designed for IB Teachers in Phase 3 to study their perceptions. This phase recorded IB teacher participants’ perspectives via semi-structured interviews and written reflections post workshop combined with field notes of the researcher during the workshop. Results were drawn sequentially from a sample size of 105 quantitative responses (Phase 1), 6 interviews of IB leaders (Phase 2), 11 Teachers’ and 2 Coordinators’ brief interviews, 22 written responses of workshop participants and 2 set of field notes by the researcher (Phase 3). Using both methods, the study highlighted a varying degree of perceptions across the five dimensions of WSA to Sustainability. However, the participants highlighted a need to incorporate explicit linkages with sustainability in IB framework. Another key finding concluded that for schools to progress towards sustainability, transformative action through agency, voice and choice needs to be incorporated. The results also indicated a need to have cognitive coherence between schools and community for WSA to Sustainability. Findings also presented interdisciplinary teaching, personal projects and building of learner profiles conducive to promoting WSA to Sustainability. Furthermore, the study has implications for teacher trainers and policy researchers. The theoretical framework (Khaliq's Spiral Framework for Whole School Approaches to Sustainability) is a valuable think tool for leaders and researchers.The quantitative questionnaire is a reliable tool for WSA to Sustainability and can be used by future researchers. While the developed capacity building module (Becoming Sustainability Pedagogues) is a resource available for teacher trainers and school leaders for further exploration. This study concludes that in order to have sustainability echoed in all dimensions of a school, all stakeholders must enjoin hands. Lastly, it deduces that WSA to Sustainability is a non-linear approach which can be implemented through reflexive and collaborative practices.
Keywords: Whole School Approaches to Sustainability, Education for Sustainable Development, International Baccalaureate, International Baccalaureate Practitioners’ Perceptions, Transformative Action, Teacher Development, Mixed Methods Study in Education
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