To Be Bribed or Lobbied: Political Control or Regulation

32 Pages Posted: 27 Feb 2023

See all articles by Enrico C. Perotti

Enrico C. Perotti

University of Amsterdam - Finance Group; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Magdalena Rola-Janicka

Imperial College Business School; Finance Theory Group (FTG); Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Marcel Vorage

affiliation not provided to SSRN


The form of political governance determines the structure of competition among interest groups. A politician choosing direct control of firm entry can be bribed, while regulation based on minimum requirements makes her prone to lobbying. Direct control offers exclusive benefit to the winning group resulting in perfect competition among bribers, so all rents accrue to the politician. Under regulation some agents cannot be excluded from entry, giving their lobby a competitive advantage and allowing them to extract rents at the expense of the politician. If institutional quality is low the politician faces low risk of prosecution and thus prefers being bribed. Unequal distribution of legal power in oligarchic societies may give bargaining power also to bribers, allowing the most powerful individuals to share in political rents.

Keywords: Lobbying, bribing, corruption, competition, inequality

Suggested Citation

Perotti, Enrico C. and Rola-Janicka, Magdalena and Vorage, Marcel, To Be Bribed or Lobbied: Political Control or Regulation. Available at SSRN: or

Enrico C. Perotti

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Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

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Magdalena Rola-Janicka (Contact Author)

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Marcel Vorage

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