ChatGPT for Teaching, Learning and Research: Prospects and Challenges
Opara Emmanuel Chinonso, Adalikwu Mfon-Ette Theresa, Tolorunleke Caroline Aduke (2023). ChatGPT for Teaching, Learning and Research: Prospects and Challenges. Glob Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-5, Iss-2 pp- 33-40
8 Pages Posted: 6 Mar 2023
Date Written: March 1, 2023
The introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of education has resulted from the use of information and communication technologies as a tool for improving teaching and learning. Expert systems and machine intelligence have the potential to revolutionize education by providing personalized learning experiences, automating repetitive tasks, and allowing teachers to focus on more important tasks such as providing one-on-one attention to students. It is utilized in a range of educational applications, including adaptive learning systems that may change the complexity of content depending on a student's performance. This paper reviews literature on the educational implications of artificial intelligence. By evaluating some of ChatGPT's capabilities, the study evaluates the possibilities and limitations of OpenAI's ChatGPT for teaching, learning, and research. The results indicated that ChatGPT delivers rapid and instantaneous response to search queries, as well as automatic text production that resembles conversation response. The article also highlighted some of the difficulties experienced, such as a lack of citation and reference. The researcher suggested recommendations such as ensuring to cite and reference the replies supplied by ChatGPT.
Keywords: ChatGPT, research, education, teaching, learning, plagiarism
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