Crime de Responsabilidade e Improbidade Administrative: Há bis in idem? (Crimes of Responsibility and Administrative Improbity: Is There a Bis in Idem?)
Boletim Governet de Recursos Humanos - nº 135 - Julho/2016 - Pág. 643
3 Pages Posted: 30 Mar 2023 Last revised: 25 Apr 2023
Date Written: July 11, 2016
Portuguese Abstract No contexto de turbulências políticas e jurídicas, é válido analisar uma das principais querelas relativas aos limites das punições dos atos de improbidade administrativa e dos crimes de responsabilidade, qual seja, a possibilidade ou não de os agentes políticos sofrerem bis in idem em decorrência de tais atos.
English Abstract In the context of turbulent political and legal discussions, it is worth the analysis of one of the most controversial topics in terms of individual responsibility and liability by public agents. I refer to the sanctions derived from the law of administrative improbity and responsibility crimes. In this paper, I assess the possibility of public agents suffering from bis in idem when punished under both laws.
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