Could Sustainability Represent a Legal Principle?
13 Pages Posted: 13 Apr 2023
Date Written: 2022
From the legal-philosophical perspective, to answer the question: “Could sustainability represent a legal principle?” we should first set clear definitions:
What is a legal principle?
What does sustainability mean? What are the different meanings of sustainability? Could we refer to sustainability as a legal principle in some meanings and not in others?
“From the second half of the last century, with the outbreak of issues related to the worrying increase of global pollution and the progressive impoverishment of resources and non-renewable sources (including, for example, water), the notion of sustainable development became widespread and, unlike traditional development linked to mere economic-productive logic, requires that the availability of resources and common goods for each generation is not compromised, so that only that development is sustainable, which at the same time enables both present and future generations to satisfy their needs”.
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