Can Authoritarian Propaganda Compete with the Opposition on Social Media? Experimental Evidence from Russia

49 Pages Posted: 4 May 2023 Last revised: 25 Mar 2024

See all articles by Michael Rochlitz

Michael Rochlitz

St. Antony's College, University of Oxford

Koen J. L. Schoors

Ghent University - Centre for Russian International Socio-Political and Economic Studies (CERISE); Ghent University - Department of General Economics

Nikita Zakharov

University of Freiburg - Department of Economics

Date Written: April 29, 2023


We study the political effect of pro- and anti-regime social media videos on voting in Russia, a typical autocracy. We conducted a field experiment (N=798) before the 2018 presidential elections by promoting either propaganda or opposition YouTube videos among the respondents of a telephone survey before the election and following up with a survey of voting behavior after. We find state propaganda unable to engage online news consumers, yet it mobilized consumers of offline news to vote for Putin by improving perceptions of his competence. The opposition treatment discouraged votes for Putin among both groups.

Keywords: Propaganda, opposition, social media, autocracy, Russia, field experiment

JEL Classification: D72, D83, C93, P16

Suggested Citation

Rochlitz, Michael and Schoors, Koen J. L. and Zakharov, Nikita, Can Authoritarian Propaganda Compete with the Opposition on Social Media? Experimental Evidence from Russia (April 29, 2023). Available at SSRN: or

Michael Rochlitz (Contact Author)

St. Antony's College, University of Oxford ( email )

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Koen J. L. Schoors

Ghent University - Centre for Russian International Socio-Political and Economic Studies (CERISE) ( email )

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Ghent University - Department of General Economics ( email )

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+32 9 264 35 99 (Fax)

Nikita Zakharov

University of Freiburg - Department of Economics ( email )

Freiburg, D-79085

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