10 Principles for Responsible Quantum Innovation

10 Pages Posted: 21 Jun 2023

See all articles by Mauritz Kop

Mauritz Kop

Stanford University - Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society; AIRecht

Mateo Aboy

LML, University of Cambridge

Eline De Jong

University of Amsterdam

Urs Gasser

Harvard University - Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society

Timo Minssen

University of Copenhagen - Centre for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law (CeBIL) - Faculty of Law

I. Glenn Cohen

Harvard Law School

Mark Brongersma

Stanford University - Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Teresa Quintel

European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity ; Universite du Luxembourg; Uppsala University

Luciano Floridi

Yale University - Digital Ethics Center; University of Bologna- Department of Legal Studies

Ray Laflamme

University of Waterloo

Date Written: April 12, 2023


This paper proposes a set of guiding principles for responsible quantum innovation. The principles are organized into three functional categories: safeguarding, engaging, and advancing (SEA), and are grounded in the values of responsible research and innovation (RRI). Utilizing a global equity normative framework, we link the Quantum-SEA categories to promise and perils specific to quantum technology. The paper operationalizes the Responsible Quantum Technology framework by proposing ten actionable principles to help address the risks, challenges, and opportunities associated with quantum technology. Our proposal aims to catalyze a much-needed interdisciplinary effort within the quantum community to establish a foundation of quantum-specific and quantum-tailored principles for responsible quantum innovation. The overarching objective of this interdisciplinary effort is to steer the development and use of quantum technology in a direction not only consistent with a values-based society but also a direction that contributes to addressing some of society's most pressing needs and goals.

Keywords: Responsible Quantum Technology; Quantum Safeguarding; Engaging & Advancing; Quantum-AI Ethics & Governance; Regulation; Responsible Quantum Innovation; Quantum R&D; Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)

JEL Classification: O24, O31, O32, O33, O34, O35, O38, O39, K11, K12, K39, F13, Z18

Suggested Citation

Kop, Mauritz and Aboy, Mateo and De Jong, Eline and Gasser, Urs and Minssen, Timo and Cohen, I. Glenn and Brongersma, Mark and Quintel, Teresa and Floridi, Luciano and Laflamme, Ray, 10 Principles for Responsible Quantum Innovation (April 12, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4475556 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4475556

Mauritz Kop (Contact Author)

Stanford University - Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society ( email )

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AIRecht ( email )

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Mateo Aboy

LML, University of Cambridge ( email )

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HOME PAGE: http://www.lml.law.cam.ac.uk/people/Research-Scholars-Associates/Prof-mateo-aboy

Eline De Jong

University of Amsterdam ( email )


Urs Gasser

Harvard University - Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society ( email )

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Cambridge, MA 02138
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HOME PAGE: https://cyber.harvard.edu/people/ugasser

Timo Minssen

University of Copenhagen - Centre for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law (CeBIL) - Faculty of Law ( email )

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Copenhagen, 2300
+46 708 607517 (Phone)

HOME PAGE: http://jura.ku.dk/cebil/staff/profile/?pure=en/persons/381631

I. Glenn Cohen

Harvard Law School ( email )

1525 Massachusetts Avenue
Griswold Hall 503
Cambridge, 02138
United States

Mark Brongersma

Stanford University - Department of Materials Science and Engineering ( email )

United States

HOME PAGE: http://https://brongersma.stanford.edu/

Teresa Quintel

European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity ( email )


Universite du Luxembourg ( email )

L-1511 Luxembourg

Uppsala University ( email )


Luciano Floridi

Yale University - Digital Ethics Center ( email )

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New Haven, CT CT 06511
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2034326473 (Phone)

University of Bologna- Department of Legal Studies ( email )

Via Zamboni 22
Bologna, Bo 40100

HOME PAGE: http://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/luciano.floridi/en

Ray Laflamme

University of Waterloo ( email )

Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

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