Abolition of Forced Labour: Case of Uzbekistan
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No. 4 (2021), 1078- 1089
12 Pages Posted: 29 Jun 2023
Date Written: April 5, 2021
The article analyzes the legal problems in the implementation of international labour standards on the abolition of forced labour in the national legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Fundamental documents of the International Labour Organization on the abolition of forced labour – the legal nature of the Forced Labour Convention No.29, 1930 and the the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention No.105, 1957, the content of national legislation on this issue. The practice of assimilation of the provisions of international agreements on labor issues, which are legally binding for Uzbekistan, into national legislation, the compliance of some issues regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on labor relations with the norms of international documents has been studied. As a result of the study, conclusions were made on improving the legislation on labor, criminal and administrative liability, as well as amendments to Article 7 of the Labor Code, Article 1482 of the Criminal Code and Article 51 of the Code of Administrative Liability, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Employment" and were some suggestions on the appropriateness of making additions. Recommendations were made to amend the national legislation to abolition of forced and compulsory labour in order to bring it in line with international standards. The formation of institutional mechanisms for countering forced labour in Uzbekistan was studied in three periods, the specifics of each period, the functions of the established mechanisms, and the effectiveness of their activities were analyzed. In particular, the tasks of the National Commission for combating human trafficking and forced labour, created by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-5775 dated July 30, 2019, and the Institute of the National Rapporteur are set out.
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Keywords: forced labour, Uzbekistan, implementation, ILO, fundamental principle
JEL Classification: K31
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