National Whistleblowing Laws - June 2023 (draft version 6)
Posted: 10 Jul 2023 Last revised: 30 Jan 2024
Date Written: June 26, 2023
Over 170 nations and self-governing territories around the world have now adopted some form of legal protections for whistleblowers. Of those, around 60 have adopted relatively comprehensive legal frameworks which protect the rights of persons who make public interest disclosures in all employment sectors across a broad range of thematic areas. Most of the laws in the other 110 jurisdictions offer only partial protection, if any at all, in practice. The number of jurisdictions with comprehensive laws have increasing substantially in the last few years due to the EU Whistleblower Directive as well as interest, especially relating to fighting corruption in countries across the globe.
Keywords: whistleblowing, whistleblower, public interest disclosure
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