
Deciphering Hallmark Combination Distinct for Peri-Implantation Stem Cell Models

33 Pages Posted: 28 Jul 2023 Publication Status: Under Review

See all articles by Constance Onfray

Constance Onfray

University of Nantes

Simon Chevolleau

University of Nantes

Eva Moinard

University of Nantes

Océane Girard

University of Nantes

Kasturi Mahadik

Université Paris Cité

Ryan Nicolaas Allsop

KU Leuven

Grigorios Georgolopoulos

KU Leuven

Regis Lavigne

University of Rennes 1

Ophélie Renoult

University of Nantes

Irene Aksoy

University of Lyon

Charles Pineau

University of Rennes 1

Jean-François Ouimette

Université Paris Cité

Thomas Fréour

University of Nantes - Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology CRTI

Claire Pecqueur

University of Nantes

Vincent Pasque

KU Leuven

Claire Rougeulle

Université Paris Cité

Laurent David

University of Nantes - Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology CRTI



Development of new 2D and 3D models of human development such as trophoblast stem cells, gastruloids or blastoids widened possibilities to study early timepoints of development and brightened up ever so slightly the black box of human development. While opening new horizons, the cell sources of those models need proper benchmarking to clarify which hallmark is associated with which lineage and developmental stage. Here, we propose a thorough characterization of pluripotent and trophoblastic stem cell models by transcriptomic, proteomic, epigenetic and metabolic approaches. Extended pluripotent stem cells are similar to primed pluripotent stem cells for most criteria, except metabolic activity, which might explain their ability to convert directly into trophoblast stem cells. We show that trophoblast stem cells are hypo-methylated and that they have a high metabolic activity. Our results clarify the fact that hallmarks of pluripotency are not predictive of each other and have to be used in combination. Multiplying hallmarks alleviate stage matching bias.

Funding Information: This work was supported by Theramex and ANR-22-CE91-0010. Research in the Pasque laboratory was supported by the Research Foundation– Flanders (FWO; Odysseus Return Grant G0F7716N to V.P.; FWO grants G0C9320N and G0B4420N to V.P.), FWO EOS grant G0I7822N to V.P. and the KU Leuven Research Fund (C1 grant C14/21/119 to V.P.), and FWO PhD fellowships to R.N.A. (11L0722N). KM was supported by a fellowship from the French Medical Research Foundation (FRM SPF201809006928) and the LabEx ‘Who Am I?’ (ANR-11-LABX-0071). Research in the Rougeulle laboratory was supported by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR-14-CE10-0017 and ANR-19-CE12-0018-01) and by Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer.

Declaration of Interests: Authors declare no conflict of interest.

Keywords: Epiblast, trophectoderm, trophoblast, pluripotency, cell fate, peri-implantation development, hallmarks

Suggested Citation

Onfray, Constance and Chevolleau, Simon and Moinard, Eva and Girard, Océane and Mahadik, Kasturi and Allsop, Ryan Nicolaas and Georgolopoulos, Grigorios and Lavigne, Regis and Renoult, Ophélie and Aksoy, Irene and Pineau, Charles and Ouimette, Jean-François and Fréour, Thomas and Pecqueur, Claire and Pasque, Vincent and Rougeulle, Claire and David, Laurent, Deciphering Hallmark Combination Distinct for Peri-Implantation Stem Cell Models. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4521994 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4521994
This version of the paper has not been formally peer reviewed.

Constance Onfray

University of Nantes ( email )


Simon Chevolleau

University of Nantes ( email )


Eva Moinard

University of Nantes ( email )


Océane Girard

University of Nantes ( email )


Kasturi Mahadik

Université Paris Cité

Ryan Nicolaas Allsop

KU Leuven ( email )

Regis Lavigne

University of Rennes 1 ( email )

Ophélie Renoult

University of Nantes ( email )


Irene Aksoy

University of Lyon ( email )

Charles Pineau

University of Rennes 1 ( email )

Jean-François Ouimette

Université Paris Cité ( email )

Thomas Fréour

University of Nantes - Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology CRTI ( email )


Claire Pecqueur

University of Nantes ( email )


Vincent Pasque

KU Leuven

Claire Rougeulle

Université Paris Cité ( email )

Laurent David (Contact Author)

University of Nantes - Center for Research in Transplantation and Immunology CRTI
