Legalbench: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal Reasoning in Large Language Models

2023 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Datasets and Benchmarks Track

Osgoode Legal Studies Research Paper No. 4583531

143 Pages Posted: 6 Dec 2023

See all articles by Neel Guha

Neel Guha

Stanford University

Julian Nyarko

Stanford Law School

Daniel E. Ho

Stanford Law School

Christopher Ré

Stanford University

Adam Chilton

University of Chicago - Law School

Aditya Narayana

Maxime Tools

Alex Chohlas-Wood

Stanford University - Department of Management Science & Engineering

Austin Peters

Stanford University

Brandon Waldon

Georgetown University

Daniel Rockmore

Dartmouth College - Department of Mathematics; Dartmouth College - Department of Computer Science

Diego A. Zambrano

Stanford University

Dmitry Talisman

Maxime Tools

Enam Hoque


Faiz Surani

University of California, Santa Barbara

Frank Fagan

South Texas College of Law Houston; EDHEC Augmented Law Institute

Galit Sarfaty

University of Toronto - Faculty of Law

Gregory M. Dickinson

University of Nebraska College of Law; Stanford Law School

Haggai Porat

Harvard University, Harvard Law School; Tel Aviv University School of Economics

Jason Hegland

Stanford Law School

Jessica Wu

Stanford University

Joe Nudell

Stanford University

Joel Niklaus

University of Bern - Faculty of Science; Institute of Computer Science

John Nay

Stanford University - CodeX - Center for Legal Informatics; New York University (NYU)

Jonathan H. Choi

University of Southern California; University of Southern California Gould School of Law

Kevin Tobia

Georgetown University Law Center; Georgetown University - Department of Philosophy

Margaret Hagan

Stanford Legal Design Lab; Stanford Law School

Megan Ma

Stanford University - Stanford Codex Center

Michael A. Livermore

University of Virginia School of Law

Nikon Rasumov-Rahe

Maxime Tools

Nils Holzenberger

Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Noam Kolt

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Peter Henderson

Princeton University - Center for Information Technology Policy; Princeton University - Princeton School of Public and International Affairs; Princeton University - Program in Law & Public Policy; Princeton University - Department of Computer Science

Sean Rehaag

Centre for Refugee Studies, Refugee Law Lab & Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Sharad Goel

Harvard University

Shang Gao


Spencer Williams

California Western School of Law

Sunny Gandhi

Indiana University Bloomington

Tom Zur

Harvard Law School

Varun Iyer


Zehua Li

Stanford University

Date Written: September 26, 2023


The advent of large language models (LLMs) and their adoption by the legal community has given rise to the question: what types of legal reasoning can LLMs perform? To enable greater study of this question, we present LegalBench: a collaboratively constructed legal reasoning benchmark consisting of 162 tasks covering six different types of legal reasoning. LegalBench was built through an interdisciplinary process, in which we collected tasks designed and hand-crafted by legal professionals. Because these subject matter experts took a leading role in construction, tasks either measure legal reasoning capabilities that are practically useful, or measure reasoning skills that lawyers find interesting. To enable cross-disciplinary conversations about LLMs in the law, we additionally show how popular legal frameworks for describing legal reasoning—which distinguish between its many forms—correspond to LegalBench tasks, thus giving lawyers and LLM developers a common vocabulary. This paper describes LegalBench, presents an empirical evaluation of 20 open-source and commercial LLMs, and illustrates the types of research explorations LegalBench enables.

Keywords: legal practice, law and technology, large language models, artificial intelligence, empirical legal methods, machine learning

Suggested Citation

Guha, Neel and Nyarko, Julian and Ho, Daniel E. and Ré, Christopher and Chilton, Adam and Narayana, Aditya and Chohlas-Wood, Alex and Peters, Austin and Waldon, Brandon and Rockmore, Daniel and Zambrano, Diego and Talisman, Dmitry and Hoque, Enam and Surani, Faiz and Fagan, Frank and Sarfaty, Galit and Dickinson, Gregory M. and Porat, Haggai and Hegland, Jason and Wu, Jessica and Nudell, Joe and Niklaus, Joel and Nay, John and Choi, Jonathan H. and Tobia, Kevin and Hagan, Margaret and Ma, Megan and Livermore, Michael A. and Rasumov-Rahe, Nikon and Holzenberger, Nils and Kolt, Noam and Henderson, Peter and Rehaag, Sean and Goel, Sharad and Gao, Shang and Williams, Spencer and Gandhi, Sunny and Zur, Tom and Iyer, Varun and Li, Zehua, Legalbench: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal Reasoning in Large Language Models (September 26, 2023). 2023 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Datasets and Benchmarks Track, Osgoode Legal Studies Research Paper No. 4583531, Available at SSRN: or

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Stanford University ( email )

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Julian Nyarko

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Daniel E. Ho

Stanford Law School ( email )

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Christopher Ré

Stanford University ( email )

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Adam Chilton

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Aditya Narayana

Maxime Tools ( email )

Alex Chohlas-Wood

Stanford University - Department of Management Science & Engineering ( email )

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Austin Peters

Stanford University

Brandon Waldon

Georgetown University ( email )

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Diego Zambrano

Stanford University ( email )

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Dmitry Talisman

Maxime Tools

Enam Hoque


Faiz Surani

University of California, Santa Barbara ( email )

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Santa Barbara, CA 93106
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Frank Fagan

South Texas College of Law Houston

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EDHEC Augmented Law Institute

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Galit Sarfaty

University of Toronto - Faculty of Law ( email )

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Gregory M. Dickinson

University of Nebraska College of Law ( email )

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Haggai Porat

Harvard University, Harvard Law School ( email )

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Tel Aviv

Jason Hegland

Stanford Law School ( email )

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Jessica Wu

Stanford University ( email )

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Joe Nudell

Stanford University ( email )

Joel Niklaus

University of Bern - Faculty of Science ( email )

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John Nay

Stanford University - CodeX - Center for Legal Informatics ( email )


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Jonathan H. Choi

University of Southern California ( email )

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University of Southern California Gould School of Law ( email )

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Kevin Tobia

Georgetown University Law Center ( email )

600 New Jersey Avenue, NW
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Georgetown University - Department of Philosophy

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Margaret Hagan

Stanford Legal Design Lab ( email )

559 Nathan Abbott Way
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Stanford Law School ( email )

559 Nathan Abbott Way
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Megan Ma

Stanford University - Stanford Codex Center ( email )

559 Nathan Abbott Way
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Michael A. Livermore

University of Virginia School of Law ( email )

Nikon Rasumov-Rahe

Maxime Tools

Nils Holzenberger

Institut Polytechnique de Paris ( email )

Noam Kolt

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Peter Henderson

Princeton University - Center for Information Technology Policy ( email )

C231A E-Quad
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Princeton University - Princeton School of Public and International Affairs ( email )

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Sean Rehaag

Centre for Refugee Studies, Refugee Law Lab & Osgoode Hall Law School, York University ( email )

4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3


Sharad Goel

Harvard University ( email )

1875 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
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Shang Gao

Casetext ( email )

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Spencer Williams

California Western School of Law ( email )

225 Cedar Street
San Diego, CA 92101
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Sunny Gandhi

Indiana University Bloomington ( email )

Dept of Biology
100 South Indiana Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47405
United States

Tom Zur

Harvard Law School ( email )

Varun Iyer


Zehua Li

Stanford University ( email )

Stanford, CA 94305
United States

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