CPEC Impact on Agriculture Production in Rural Area of Pakistan
17 Pages Posted: 23 Oct 2023
Date Written: October 4, 2023
The study was carried out in August 2023 to see the impact of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor on agriculture production in rural areas of Pakistan. A total of 15 articles were downloaded from the net and read again and again and then discussed with the four members of the author’s team and found the conclusion and Abstract. Analysis shows that CPEC has a positive impact on the agriculture production of rural areas of Pakistan. Through CEPC the transport system between Pakistan and China will be developed. The cost of transport will be reduced due to the shortage of roads while bilateral relations between China and Pakistan will be improved. Through Universities, the young generation's skills in research will be enhanced while they will find a job anywhere in the world at a low cost. Industrial zones will be established which in the long run will generate employment, while it will solve the problems of the unemployment of the future generation. Rural farmers will use modern technology which will enhance agriculture production. The food security of both countries will be secured. Export of agriculture will be increased which directly improves the dollar reserve of the country and rupees value will be increased and in the long run, it will improve the socioeconomic condition of people of the Pakistan. Poverty will be reduced and health facilities will be improved. The problems of crime will be decreased. Pakistan will send their agriculture products to all Asian, European, and Midlist countries at low cost on the constructed roads to the world markets. The GDP of the country of Pakistan will be increased. Electricity problems will be solved and more electrical devices will be launched for electricity production. Through CPEC, a digital system will be developed which will boost trade and agriculture production in rural areas of Pakistan. Its disadvantages are, that the environment will be polluted by industries which will create global warming melt the glaciers of the northern area, and increase the flood occurrence in Pakistan. Global warming also affects the forest in the long run which affects the ecosystem of Pakistan in the long run. So, the CEPC on one side provide benefit to both countries while on the other side affect global warming of the world and affect small farmer livelihood in Pakistan. Recently the Gawader Community has raised a hand against CEPC in their area. They said that it would affect the fishing business of the Gawader People in Baluchistan. On the basis of problems the study finding recommends that to analyze the benefits and losses to all communities of Pakistan and compensating those who are lost in the future while imposing tax on those who benefited; In all developed industries of China, Quota will be provided to Pakistani community; Provide loan to Pakistani government on free interest basis by China government for further furnishing the CPEC Program; According to industrial development, skill graduates should be prepared at University level in Pakistan to find job at the industries; Security program should be developed at those places where China investing the money for Polishing the CEPC program.
Keywords: CPEC, Impact, Agriculture Production, Pakistan
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