Take the aTrain. Introducing an Interface for the Accessible Transcription of Interviews.

14 Pages Posted: 17 Nov 2023

See all articles by Armin Haberl

Armin Haberl

University of Graz

Jürgen Fleiß

University of Graz

Dominik Kowald

Technical University of Graz

Stefan Thalmann

University of Graz

Date Written: October 6, 2023


aTrain is an open-source and offline tool for transcribing audio data in multiple languages with CPU and NVIDIA GPU support. It is specifically designed for researchers using qualitative data generated from various forms of speech interactions with research participants. aTrain requires no programming skills, runs on most computers, does not require an internet connection, and was verified not to upload data to any server. aTrain combines OpenAI's Whisper model with speaker recognition to provide output that integrates with the popular qualitative data analysis software tools MAXQDA and ATLAS.ti. It has an easy-to-use graphical interface and is provided as a Windows-App through the Microsoft Store allowing for simple installation by researchers. The source code is freely available on GitHub. Having developed aTrain with a focus on speed on local computers, we show that the transcription time on current mobile CPUs is around 2 to 3 times the duration of the audio file using the highest-accuracy transcription models. If an entry-level graphics card is available, the transcription speed increases to 20% of the audio duration.

Install via Microsoft store: apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/atrain/9N15Q44SZNS2

Github: github.com/BANDAS-Center/aTrain

Keywords: transcription, local, Whisper, AI , machine learning, qualitative research, interview transcription, qualitative data analysis

JEL Classification: C65, C88, Z19

Suggested Citation

Haberl, Armin and Fleiß, Jürgen and Kowald, Dominik and Thalmann, Stefan, Take the aTrain. Introducing an Interface for the Accessible Transcription of Interviews. (October 6, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4594103 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4594103

Armin Haberl

University of Graz ( email )

Universitaetsstrasse 15 / FE
A-8010 Graz, 8010

Jürgen Fleiß (Contact Author)

University of Graz ( email )

Universitaetsstrasse 15 / FE
A-8010 Graz, 8010

Dominik Kowald

Technical University of Graz ( email )

Rechbauerstraße 12
Graz, 8010

Stefan Thalmann

University of Graz ( email )

Universitaetsstrasse 15 / FE
A-8010 Graz, 8010

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