Effectiveness of Do-it-Yourself Air Cleaners in Reducing Exposure to Respiratory Aerosols in Us Classrooms: A Longitudinal Study of K-12 Schools

41 Pages Posted: 24 Oct 2023

See all articles by Megan Jehn

Megan Jehn

Arizona State University (ASU)

Jean M. Andino

Arizona State University (ASU)

Britney Russell

University of Connecticut

Vraj Rana

Arizona State University (ASU)

Sharmin Akter

University of Connecticut

Marina A. Creed

University of Connecticut

Harnoor Sodhi

Arizona State University (ASU)

Bailey Holmes

Arizona State University (ASU)

Tanya Palit

Arizona State University (ASU)

Jessica Wani

Arizona State University (ASU)

Kristina Wagstrom

University of Connecticut


Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) harms student health and cognitive performance. Air filtration serves to reduce concentrations of particles in indoor environments. We have characterized the performance of Do-It-Yourself air filtration units in K-12 public schools in Arizona and Connecticut during the 2022-23 school year. We monitored indoor air quality in 53 classrooms across 5 schools in two states over a six-month period. Measurements of decay rates of aerosol particles smaller than 2.5 microns emitted into classrooms during periods with and without the air cleaners allowed for determination of the effective air changes per hour (ACHe) and apparent clean air delivery rate (CADR). Averaging across all schools and classrooms in the sample over the study duration, we observed a 43.3% reduction in PM2.5 concentrations and 30.6% reduction in PM10 concentrations. We found an average Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of 239 ft3min-1 (range of 101 - 355 ft3min-1) across our sample classrooms. This study suggests that the addition of a DIY air filtration unit effectively improves indoor particle control in school classrooms across a diverse sample of geographic locations and building types, including naturally and mechanically ventilated learning environments.

Keywords: Public health, Ventilation, indoor air quality, Filtration

Suggested Citation

Jehn, Megan and Andino, Jean M. and Russell, Britney and Rana, Vraj and Akter, Sharmin and Creed, Marina A. and Sodhi, Harnoor and Holmes, Bailey and Palit, Tanya and Wani, Jessica and Wagstrom, Kristina, Effectiveness of Do-it-Yourself Air Cleaners in Reducing Exposure to Respiratory Aerosols in Us Classrooms: A Longitudinal Study of K-12 Schools. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4605610 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4605610

Megan Jehn (Contact Author)

Arizona State University (ASU) ( email )

555 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

Jean M. Andino

Arizona State University (ASU) ( email )

555 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

Britney Russell

University of Connecticut ( email )

Storrs, CT 06269-1063
United States

Vraj Rana

Arizona State University (ASU) ( email )

555 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

Sharmin Akter

University of Connecticut ( email )

Storrs, CT 06269-1063
United States

Marina A. Creed

University of Connecticut ( email )

Harnoor Sodhi

Arizona State University (ASU) ( email )

555 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

Bailey Holmes

Arizona State University (ASU) ( email )

555 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

Tanya Palit

Arizona State University (ASU) ( email )

555 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

Jessica Wani

Arizona State University (ASU) ( email )

555 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States

Kristina Wagstrom

University of Connecticut ( email )

Storrs, CT 06269-1063
United States

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