Assessing Biomethanol Green Corridors for International Shipping: A Case Study on the Brazil-China Iron Ore Route
34 Pages Posted: 23 Dec 2023
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Assessing Biomethanol Green Corridors for International Shipping: A Case Study on the Brazil-China Iron Ore Route
In mid-2023, the International Maritime Organization has strengthened its greenhouse gas ambition,aiming at reaching net-zero international shipping emissions by 2050. The achievement of this goaldepends on the substitution of oil-derived fuels. Yet, the high diversity of candidate alternative fuelsposes challenges to the shipping industry, since investments in specific fuels and motorizations bringthe risk of technological lock-in, while can also affect the global trade costs. One way to mitigate suchrisk is the establishment of green corridors associated with predetermined products and geographicalroutes, thereby reducing the challenge to coordinate stakeholders and promote first movers. Thisstudy assesses an original and emblematic implementation of a green corridor based on biomethanolbetween Brazil and China, focusing on the trade of iron ore, a major dry bulk cargo. Findings show thatthe use of biomethanol can reduce by 37% the lifecycle GHG emissions of the route. They also indicatean increase of 8-25% on operational costs. This corresponds to an emission price between 330 and450 USD/tCO2e. The study also indicates that stakeholders (especially mining companies) are engagedin implementing measures to reduce emissions through their supply chain, providing a favourableenvironment for the corridor.
Keywords: international shipping, green corridors, climate mitigation, biomethanol
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