Risk, utility and sensitivity to large losses

34 Pages Posted: 26 Mar 2024 Last revised: 21 May 2024

See all articles by Martin Herdegen

Martin Herdegen

University of Warwick - Department of Statistics

Nazem Khan

Dublin City University

Cosimo-Andrea Munari

University of Verona

Date Written: May 20, 2024


Risk and utility functionals are fundamental building blocks in economics and finance. In this paper we investigate under which conditions a risk or utility functional is sensitive to the accumulation of losses in the sense that any sufficiently large multiple of a position that exposes an agent to future losses has positive risk or negative utility. We call this property sensitivity to large losses and provide necessary and sufficient conditions thereof that are easy to check for a very large class of risk and utility functionals. In particular, our results do not rely on convexity and can therefore also be applied to most examples discussed in the recent literature, including (non-convex) star-shaped risk measures or S-shaped utility functions encountered in prospect theory. As expected, Value at Risk generally fails to be sensitive to large losses. More surprisingly, this is also true of Expected Shortfall. By contrast, expected utility functionals as well as (optimized) certainty equivalents are proved to be sensitive to large losses for many standard choices of concave and nonconcave utility functions, including S-shaped utility functions. We also show that Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall become sensitive to large losses if they are either properly adjusted or if the property is suitably localized.

Keywords: loss sensitivity, tail risk, risk measures, utility functionals, value at risk, expected shortfall, expected utility, certainty equivalent, S-shaped utility function

Suggested Citation

Herdegen, Martin and Khan, Nazem and Munari, Cosimo-Andrea, Risk, utility and sensitivity to large losses (May 20, 2024). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4739077 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4739077

Martin Herdegen

University of Warwick - Department of Statistics ( email )

Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

Nazem Khan (Contact Author)

Dublin City University ( email )

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Cosimo-Andrea Munari

University of Verona ( email )

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