‘Wired Up About Self’ - Narcissistic Traits Predict Elevated Physiological Arousal During Self-Disclosure in Conversation

37 Pages Posted: 6 Apr 2024

See all articles by Emmi Koskinen

Emmi Koskinen

University of Helsinki

Henttonen Pentti

University of Helsinki

Ville Harjunen

University of Helsinki

Elizabeth Krusemark

Millsaps College

Juha Salmi

Aalto University

Jarno Tuominen

Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology

Mariel Wuolio

University of Helsinki

Anssi Peräkylä

University of Helsinki


Individuals vary in their self-disclosure motivations and physiological responses. It is unclear, however, whether the content of a person’s self-view accounts for this variation. In this paper we explore the impact of self-disclosure on autonomic nervous system activity in participants with high and low levels of grandiose narcissistic traits. Three conversational experiments were conducted to simulate different contexts of self-disclosure: getting acquainted (Experiment 1), talking about emotional life experiences (Experiment 2), and telling emotional stories with varying self-relevance (Experiment 3). The experiments were conducted on the same sample of 22 dyads (n=44) measured in a single session. While Experiment 1 did not confirm the anticipated heightened sympathetic arousal in participants with high grandiose narcissism (N+), Experiment 2, focusing on telling about positive and negative life experiences, supported the hypothesis of increased skin conductance among the N+ individuals. Experiment 3, with more specific topics that varied in self-relevance, further supported the notion that narcissism is associated with elevated physiological arousal during self-disclosure. Notably, the skin conductance of the N+ individuals was particularly heightened when telling about being admired by others. Exploratory analyses showed that tellers’ (N+ and N-) skin conductance was even more pronounced when they were discussing with N+ co-participant.

Keywords: self-disclosure, first encounters, storytelling, Grandiose Narcissism, Psychophysiology, emotional arousal

Suggested Citation

Koskinen, Emmi and Pentti, Henttonen and Harjunen, Ville and Krusemark, Elizabeth and Salmi, Juha and Tuominen, Jarno and Wuolio, Mariel and Peräkylä, Anssi, ‘Wired Up About Self’ - Narcissistic Traits Predict Elevated Physiological Arousal During Self-Disclosure in Conversation. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4786432 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4786432

Emmi Koskinen (Contact Author)

University of Helsinki ( email )

University of Helsinki
Helsinki, FIN-00014

Henttonen Pentti

University of Helsinki ( email )

Ville Harjunen

University of Helsinki ( email )

University of Helsinki
Helsinki, FIN-00014

Elizabeth Krusemark

Millsaps College ( email )

Jackson, MS 39210
United States

Juha Salmi

Aalto University ( email )

P.O. Box 21210
Helsinki, 00101

Jarno Tuominen

Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology ( email )

Turku, 20014

Mariel Wuolio

University of Helsinki ( email )

University of Helsinki
Helsinki, FIN-00014

Anssi Peräkylä

University of Helsinki ( email )

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